Ontario Home Renovation Savings Program Expands Eligibility
March 25, 2025
Popular Ontario Rebate Program Expands to Include Even More Homeowners
The popular Home Renovation Savings program, launched in January 2025 has been expanded to include more Ontario homeowners who primarily heat their home with propane, wood, or oil. Previously, the rebate program was only available to Enbridge Gas customers who primarily heated their home with a natural gas furnace or electricity.
The Home Renovation Savings program is a renovation rebate program that offers up to $10,000 in rebates for home energy efficiency upgrades. It was launched in January 2025 as a joint venture between Enbridge Gas and Save on Energy, supported by the Government of Ontario. The program offers up to $7,700 in insulation rebates, including up to $1,500 for attic insulation and up to $3,500 for basement insulation. For full rebate information, including a breakdown of maximum rebate amounts for each area of your home, see our in-depth Home Renovation Savings Program information page.
According to StatsCan, homes heated with propane, wood, or oil account for approximately 7% of all Ontario homes. While that may be a small percentage, it represents hundreds of thousands of occupied homes within Ontario, many of which are in rural areas that are not able to be heated with a natural gas connection. With oil and propane being an especially expensive way to heat a home, the Home Renovation Savings Program presents an exciting opportunity for homeowners to decrease their monthly heating and cooling costs with the insulation upgrade costs offset by receiving a rebate cheque.
To serve our homeowner customers faster and save them more money, Great Northern Insulation has partnered with Greenbrain to provide our customers with a $100 VIP pricing discount on the home energy audits required for the Home Renovation Savings program. Greenbrain already offered some of the lowest pricing in the industry for Home Renovation Savings program pre- and post-work energy audits, but this VIP discount means GNI customers pay even less out of pocket to move forward with rebate program upgrades.
There is a small geographic caveat to this program expansion – homeowners who are customers of Cornwall Electric and heat their homes with propane, oil, or wood are not eligible for the Home Renovation Savings program. This is because Cornwall Electric is connected to the Hydro-Québec electricity grid and therefore aren’t applicable for an Ontario rebate program. However, if you are a Cornwall Electric customer who is converting to Enbridge natural gas for your primary heating source, you can still be eligible for the program. For full program details, including the exclusion details for Cornwall Electric customers, see the official Home Renovation Savings Program website.
If you’re looking to move forward with the Home Renovation Savings program to save up to $7,700 on insulation upgrades, we highly recommend getting a free, no-obligation quote from Great Northern Insulation as your first step. This not only gives you an idea of overall cost for insulation upgrades, but also unlocks VIP pricing with Greenbrain for your pre- and post-work energy audits if you decide to move forward with the rebate program, immediately saving you an additional $100.
Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation assessment by filling out the form below or giving us a call at 1-800-265-1914.